Amy Forsyth
Keiki Fitness – Jumping Rope
Keiki Fitness – Jumping Rope
January 23, 2011 No Comments on Keiki Fitness – Jumping RopeJumping rope is one of the most effective cardiovascular conditioning exercises there is, and it can be performed by people of all ages and abilities. It is also a particularly good activity for families to do together: kids love it, and adults will definitely get in a good workout, even by spending just a few minutes with the rope. Jumping rope improves balance, agility, coordination, muscle strength, and endurance. It is also a fat scorcher! Depending on your weight and how vigorously you jump, you can burn anywhere from 10-20 calories PER MINUTE! But, perhaps most importantly, it is fun!
Exercise doesn’t just occur in a gym or through an organized sports team, and it doesn’t have to happen in a 1-2 hour block of time that is completely separate from your everyday life. The Center for Disease Control recommends that adults get 150 minutes of moderate activity a week and that children ages 6-17 get 60 minutes of physical activity a day. Those numbers may sound daunting, but remember that this time can be broken up into 10 minute intervals throughout the day and be just as effective as a single session. If you’re curious as to how you might add a quick jump roping session into your family’s routine, please check out this video for ideas!
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